New Delhi: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters into the 13th day with much chaos, devastation, and a huge number of deaths from both sides. Several heart-warming as well as heart-wrenching videos have surfaced online over these war days and have grabbed the eyeballs of netizens. A video has reached the hearts of millions as a little girl named Amelia sang a beautiful song while staying at a bomb shelter amidst the raging war.
The video shows a girl named Amelia singing ‘Let It Go’ by Idina Menzel from the hit Disney film Frozen. Marta Smekhova, a woman at the bomb shelter recorded the video and shared it on her Facebook. The woman stated that she was unable to simply “pass by in silence” as she heard the little girl singing the song in her beautiful voice. She even wrote, “Even men couldn’t hold back tear.”
See the video here:
When Amelia started singing the song in Ukrainian, the room went silent. A woman was seen breaking down in tears and also several other people were seen teary-eyed. The scenario resonated with the grim situation of the war-torn country.
With the video going viral on social media, the singer of the song was one of them who shared the video. Idina Menzel tweeted along with blue and yellow hearts, representing the flag of Ukraine, and wrote, “We see you. We really, really see you.” The video received more than 12 million views, 288k likes, and 60k retweets on Twitter.
We see you. We really, really see you. ??
— Idina Menzel (@idinamenzel) March 7, 2022