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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (October 4)

Continue to spread the light from your heart and feel gratitude for all that has been and will be.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Peace on Earth!


Take the place you are in at this moment into account as you are a vital part of your environment and silently healing everything around you. Today let’s adventure into healing the souls we are travelling with and those we have left behind. Soul visitations happen in this time frame, and we should spare a few minutes daily to think of those who have left this world. Continue to spread the light from your heart and feel gratitude for all that has been and will be. Become aware of the sacred space in your heart and become alert and aware of the present moment. Shift your consciousness to merge with the energies of the world around you, know that in this space of silence you are integrating with nature and the people around you and silently sending them love. Stay for a brief time to say, you love your life. Healing hugs of the higher self merging with you. Love from the sacred souls.

Repeat five times!

Look at your hands and repeat the affirmation five times.
“I will treat each person that I meet today with reverence and respect .”