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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (April 9)

Connect to the blessings and the quality of wisdom, with complete trust and genuine generosity. Compassion and power flowing freely around you.

Message of the Day – By Renooji

Filled with the light!

Invoking the light in the front of your heart, you must try to visualise the magnificent souls around you who are reciprocating thoughts of deep love, care and healing towards you. See the aura around your body as a radiant, translucent body of light, rainbow light, flowing everywhere. Connect to the blessings and the quality of wisdom, with complete trust and genuine generosity. Compassion and power flowing freely around you. Connect to all the angels and beings of light in the sky around you. Allow your inner vision to connect with the heart of the light, as it is important to feel the presence, the compassion, the wisdom, the energy and the colours flowing in and around you. Receive the genuine light and share it freely with all those you love and feel for. Healing hugs of deep respect. Love from all the genuine hearts around you.

Spiritual beings: We are living quietly in the depth of our hearts as healers and sometimes we do not even know ourselves.