Message of the Day – By Renooji
It is in a healing way, for humble people to reason out their success. To be at the right place at the right time, doing the right action for miraculous things to happen, for intervention to take place in a spiritual way to manifest things in life beyond expectation. Attributing your success, your promotions, your experiences, your achievements to divine grace comes easily to some of us; yet others are speculating about all that happens; as all is happening beyond the hard work and the talents that we possess. Our need for success and accomplishments is sometimes very strong. Yet our thirst and quest for spiritual understanding unfolds in us a passionate desire to see world conditions improve. Things in life are sometimes important to understand and at other times we need to take things in hand and help people around us to communicate with their heart selves and conscientiously help them in the process to achieve their life goals. Let’s just heal on. Healing hugs of wealth and possibilities. Love from the depth of deep motivation.
Chakra that just opened up to receive-Ovaries/ Spermatic cords / Hara- that are bestowing the effulgent energies of clear diamond light into all realms.
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