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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (April 24)

Feel nourished and blessed. Healing hugs of divine grace. Love from the source of love from the universal heart.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Meditation- The Healed Ego Self.

Today we feel our hearts filling up with the light of nurturance and devotion, where all souls congregate in togetherness and we heal them as they heal us. The feeling of letting go is strong and it is releasing the obsession which we have of ourself. In the process it gives birth to a larger space of love and light in our heart. Invite the cleansed energies of the heart to participate in this healing moment as you receive healing support from Divvya and Me. Feel your hearts filling up with love for this beautiful Planet Earth and its beautiful souls, it’s wondrous sights and the beautiful creatures that co-exist with us in this moment in the history of our universe. Bring the loving energy back into your heart by placing your right hand at the centre of your chest. This loving energy of the heart, in this moment helping you to connect to the billions of souls surrounding you. Give the self permission to nurture, cherish and respect the self and others in this moment. Feel the waves of the beautiful universal soul energy of unconditional love pouring over you. Feel nourished and blessed. Healing hugs of divine grace. Love from the source of love from the universal heart.

The kundalini chakras of the aura body.
The healed chakras of all the bodies.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere.

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