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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (June 18)

Healing hugs of respectful loving energies.


The self is a consciousness with self awareness and memories. A conjunction of mind, body, soul and spirit. Let’s spend some time today and reflect on all the aspects of the self. Connecting to our own individual self, connecting to our social, cultural and spiritual self. We are healing today not only the cultural and spiritual but also the physical ,genetic, psychological , emotional and biological relationships that form the construct of human life and karma. Let’s heal today in relationship to the vast network of our actions touching the lives of others. Heritage, ethnicity, race, religion, country are all touching our identity and the systems ( our vital organs) within our body are also working with systematic precision as is the universe around us. Today see the self as a changing process with a cumulative effect on others. Think of yourself as a constant, constantly overlapping and mapping over one another and infiltrating into others lives, knowingly or unknowingly. What we are healing today is to liberate ourselves from our past and also in the process overlaying a new future. Stay within this light of togetherness forever. Healing hugs of respectful loving energies. Love from the ocean of complete oneness.

Sensitive to the vibrations of places, people and beings, connect to the self and your affinity to all parts of the globe . Thanking each molecule for the enormous help, especially the souls unseen. Stay in the cosmic vibrations of AUM.

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