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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (April 9)

Confrontational attitude from someone that you least expect it, stares you in the face. The line of defence will have to be silence as we move on. You could make some important decisions today that take you down the road of success.

Horoscope - Astrology

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

1. Aries

“Stay with the group and continue your journey together with your peers. There will be some confusion about your financial investments, but will be sorted out after someone’s intervention. Mesmerising is an energy of goodness, surrounded by this energy stay forever in the world of doing for others and you will be successful.”

2. Taurus

“Continue sending out your new ideas and intentions in a written format to get the attention you desire. There will be strong resistance from people around you but eventually you will win. Make your life active and stimulating. There is much that will help create a greater connection with your life goals and this leaves you feeling free and happy.”

3. Gemini

“The territories and the control on them by others around you in the work place are bringing road blocks and dissatisfaction in your mind. Take on a new work and faithfully put in your best efforts and see it work for the benefit for all those around you. Channelling a long term path to success is a reality and begins today in earnest.”

4. Cancer

“Favoured by some you could end up cultivating a very strong ego that could be detrimental to your happiness and progress. You may be harbouring a wrong impression about someone who is truly wanting to help your mission forward. You are creating some new footprints in your life and you will be capable of seeing things through.”

5. Leo

“Challenging situations for you come from a group of people who are like minded and supportive of your success. It is time to put all your insecurities aside and get started on a new idea. You are feeling supported by others but your own inner resolve to inspire change is not fully in place. Continue to look carefully at documents and financial investments personally.”

6. Virgo

“Mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically you are charging ahead with a new effort to change and manage things in your life experiences permanently. Your friends will be able to help you assess a situation that will help resolve the issues with your finances and your relationships.”

7. Libra

“Liberate yourself from dependence upon your life experiences to generate new ideas and plans. You are going into a dynamic pattern of excellence, where even you will not be able to recognise your strength and abilities. Change your mood by spending time with friends. The more organised and prepared you are in the work, the more your creative impulse will support you.”

8. Scorpio

“Heartening news will make you happy but there will be a sense of despondency of why things did not change earlier. As you are progressive and acting towards a greater connection with your family support, there will be a magical connection with financial happiness which makes you feel comfortable and happy.”

9. Sagittarius

“Nesting in your inner mind is a great idea to build your own business plan, but there seems to be some hidden financial resources that you are not confident about. Free yourself from annoyance and see that the work is done in time for the best revenue generation and appreciation from the seniors at work.”

10. Capricorn

“Just when you think that things are going to be better than your heart desires, there could be a setback that leaves you hurt and anguished. Anger will not be the solution. You will contribute to a successful venture and will be in the long melt for further recognition. Just be collaborative with your work environment and plan for future opportunities.”

11. Aquarius

“Confrontational attitude from someone that you least expect it, stares you in the face. The line of defence will have to be silence as we move on. You could make some important decisions today that take you down the road of success. There will be a plan in the offing that you will be responsible to implement.”

12. Pisces

“Solutions for your health care will continue to grow and better health is evident in the future. Friends will find you spontaneous and helpful. Creative and with an ongoing spirit of wellness you will be happy with your life experiences. Continue to process your ideas and take your work forward with a lot of betterment in your future financial investments.”