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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (January 8)

Your desire to be recognised for all that you do personally or professionally could end up being appreciated, but will it leave you satisfied is questionable.

1. Aries
“Make a solid plan and start moving forward with confidence. You naturally want to visualise
this bigger picture, but, consolidating your human resource should be your first priority.
Expansion of all the obstacles leaves you with a strong new wave of confidence and a strong
sense of self esteem.”


2. Taurus
“Temporary problems will begin to fade away by the middle of the day, leaving you completely
satisfied. Your financial position continues to look good, but lending money to others is a no-
no. You are prone to losing your cool so stay away from road rage or conflicts in the office. Be
careful today while you are on the road.”


3. Gemini
“Relinquish your life goals and achieve excellence in all spheres of life in the now. Relax with
the family. Challenges are many but you take them in your stride. You are in pursuit of
excellence in all you do today and could end up being harsh with your team. Expand your
thinking by reading.”


4. Cancer
“Communications and contacts plus your relationships will be appreciated by your future
experiences ahead with the light. You must think hard and strong before you take the plunge,
and before you start anything new, you must have been a great giver. The patterns of
happiness are truly supportive of your life circumstances.”


5. Leo
“Proudly proceed with creative work and know that some of you could get international
recognition. You may have new ideas about what you want to undertake at work and this could
be a source of complete success. Consider a new avenue of secondary income as you are
rewarded by your aura energies. Take in additional work.”


6. Virgo
“Changing your attitude towards your relationships with others who are truly supportive of
your life circumstances, will help, especially when you are appreciative of their inputs. It is not
that you are avoiding an issue, it is more like you don’t know how to sort things out. Circumvent
the outcome of your plans and you could end up in trouble.”


7. Libra
“You are very vulnerable when it comes to emotionally connecting to new relationships. Be
persuasive in your future journey with your love. There will be a set back at work, as someone
is trying delay tactics to get an edge in. Continue to network and align yourself with the digital
media for sharing your ideas and thoughts.”


8. Scorpio
“The diversions are causing you to lose your train of thought. You are creating an atmosphere
of deep love and happiness for your family, and a situation at work also creates a beautiful
heart and compassion awakened for all who are loved by you. You could end up arguing with
the person who is helping you the most to create your new identity”


9. Sagittarius
“Harnessing the energies of wealth and moving ahead with focus and interest will be the most
important part of the day. Your time will be engaged in helping others and even within the
family structure people will need you. Solitary life experiences with your spiritual consciousness
is also something that you look forward to.”

10. Capricorn
“Chances of a situation going in your favour are very high. The attitude of a family member may
leave you feeling sad but things emotionally improve by the end of the day. A beautiful pattern
of wisdom unfolding in your spiritual consciousness is leading you towards better relationships
and success.”

11. Aquarius
“Your hands are full of responsibilities as well as your mind is full of ideas and plans for the
future. Consolidate all your finances in order to get through a loan and your income will help
resolve the issue. Creating a strong mind connection with a loved one will help you complete
tasks that have been pending for long.”


12. Pisces
“Create a longevity in your relationships, by connecting to a space of happiness and lead all to
success. You will be a harbinger of good news early in the morning, where you will have
become more supportive and confident in the future work. Begin new hobbies or learn some
new language skills.”
