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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (November 8)

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for08.11.2021 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

“A meeting or a decision you take update, leaves you feeling strong and united with yourself completely. You are changing as a person and this new positive and imaginative and decisive you is feeling happier and completely in control of your consciousness. Whenever you lose your perspective or concentration there will be many trying to take advantage.”


“The real you is surfacing and there will be a strong connection with your spiritual wisdom. Stay for a while in a new space of consciousness, where there will be plenty of opportunities ahead to achieve success. All the time attitudes of familiarity usually take precedence over your self-confidence and thus you are putting things away for the moment.”

3. Gemini

“There will be some sad news or a delay or obstruction in a project that leaves you crestfallen and weak. You will send your messages to your work team but there could be some important changes that will need readjustments. Financial matters need attention as ties your health. Depressive energies are floating in your home leaving sadness around.”

4. Cancer

“Continue to explore this strong side of your consciousness to successfully achieve your desires in the shortest possible time. Your habitual tendency to over risk your finances can be used for someone else’s advantage. Whatever you do today, you will have a new experience at playing leader. This experience will give you fearlessness to negotiate.”

5. Leo

“Things suddenly change in your health and maybe for some of you it will be a forced time of rest. Gathering friends and family and support from your relationships does not come easy to you. Continuity of your plans is essential for success. There is a strong energy of revival of a project that is close to your heart. Stay in the middle of family to gather further strength.”

6. Virgo

“You are shaping your life with the influences that are coming up now but in reality there is much in your subconscious mind and you may need to meditate to pursue your true achievable reality and walk with success towards your goals. Consider the sentiments of others and help them walk through life experiences with happiness.”

7. Libra

“A meeting or informal discussion with family will be changing the way you think and dramatically affect your relationships in a positive way. Be effective in your life situations where your happiness will continue with your heart desires manifesting without restraint. Professional and personal success is there.”

8. Scorpio

“Patterns of incomplete blessings in your activities are over and everything ahead is full of joy and growth. The chance for real change may be looking very limited, but you are confident and that is half the battle. You will need and get the assistance that you need to get the work done in the minimum time. Stay focussed on your relationships within the family and spend time in togetherness.”

9. Sagittarius

“Consciousness which goes well with the Divine wisdom inspires you today to move ahead. Be aware that you are fully protected by your relationships with others who inspire you to achieve. Be very vigilant about your finances and invest not where your heart tells you to. Begin to formulate a business plan as some of you are on the brink to unfold something big.”

10. Capricorn

“It seems that you are suddenly making more progress and people are inquisitive about what you are doing. Because you are close to someone who has been in contact with a controversial person, does not make you liable. Stay away from trying to prove your innocence, it is not necessary. Finances are definitely looking better.”

11. Aquarius

“You have the ability to bring different genre of people together. A book club or some publishing or story writing activities will be promoted by you. You will be most effective in invoking the truth and taking the steps towards excellence. Just be patient when it comes to investing in the right place. You will be very strongly moving forward with confidence.”

12. Pisces

“It could be that you are feeling better today, but you are leaving your feelings unattended, and all efforts at happiness are not sustained. Inspired by the people that you work with, the best and easiest way to help yourself is to look out for the future financial investments and progress. You will hear that someone you like is in distress today.”

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