New Delhi: Indian Cricketer Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma went out for a dinner date in Bengaluru twinning in black. Anushka was seen wearing black floral top with matching trousers and Virat was seen in a black and white T Shirt with pants. The couple is happily posing in front of the camera. Their pictures are doing the rounds in the social media as they were also seen clicking pictures with a few people.
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Anushka took a break after the birth of her son Akaay and made her first appearance in Bengaluru’s cricket stadium cheering for her husband Virat Kohli when he was playing for the Royal Challengers Bengaluru against Gujarat Titans.
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Virat hosted a dinner on Anushka’s birthday on May 1st. Pictures from the dinner date were circulated in the social media where the couple can be seen dining with a few people and posing for pictures. Anushka also posted the story in her Instagram handle and captioned it ‘Great night spend with good people.’
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Virat and Anushka were seen as the most loved couple and the two have been setting examples of couple goals many a times. Anushka is always seen cheering him whenever he is playing in India or outside India. However Virat also ensures to support her whenever needed. He even took a break from the Test Series against England when Anushka was expecting. This also became a hot topic among his fans during that time.
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But all these never bothered the two of them and they stick to each other every time.
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