New Delhi: Actress Kangana Ranaut slammed Twitter on Tuesday by accusing the site of trying to “enslave a brown person and dictating them what to think, speak or do”. Earlier on Tuesday it was reported that Kangana’s Twitter account was suspended following her remarks about the CM Mamata.
She said that Twitter being an American company is always trying to control the brown people and tell them what to think, speak or do. She said that she has many other platforms on which she can raise her voice including her own art in the form of cinema.
Twitter has only proved my point they’re Americans & by birth, a white person feels entitled to enslave a brown person, they want to tell you what to think, speak or do. I have many platforms I can use to raise my voice, including my own art in the form of cinema: Kangana Ranaut
— ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2021
She said she felt sorry for the people of this nation who have been enslaved and tortured for thousands of years.
But my heart goes out to the people of this nation who have been tortured, enslaved, and censored for thousands of years, and still, there is no end to the suffering: Actor Kangana Ranaut
— ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2021
Although Twitterati had a different opinion as they thanked the Twitter CEO for suspending her account while flooding the social media platform with memes about her account’s suspension.