New Delhi: Twitter suspended the account of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut who allegedly broke the rules of the micro-blogging site. This news flooded the Twitter with memes as many Twitterati thanked the CEO Jack and his team for suspending her account.
This comes after she posted a video on social media about the newly elected West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee and compared her to demon ‘Tadka’. She also demanded for President’s Rule in West Bengal.
Actress @KanganaTeam demands #PresidentRuleInBengal. She added, Mamata Banerjee ‘not Ravana’, she’s ‘blood thirsty demon Tadka’
read more –
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) May 4, 2021
Twitter Reactions:
People said Twitter is now much peaceful and clean after Kangana’s account was suspended:
When Kangana After her account
Was Active got suspended— A N K I T (@iAnkitaker) May 4, 2021
While some people compared it with being thrown out of a car:
#KanganaRanaut twitter account suspended .
Twitter to Kangana –
— YOGENDRA SINGH DIKHIT (@ItsDikhit) May 4, 2021
Journalist Sakshi Joshi also commented on this incident.
One hatemonger suspended
It was long due @jack @Twitter @TwitterIndia #KanganaRanaut
— Sakshi Joshi (@sakshijoshii) May 4, 2021
Some people even called Kangana a ‘virus’
One virus left the twitter ? now waiting for other virus to leave the country ?? #KanganaRanaut
— chubs★ (@pikusupremacy) May 4, 2021
Some people also said that they were waiting for this moment from a long time:
After Kangana’s account suspended
People be like :#KanganaRanaut— Rohan Bora (@RohanBora99) May 4, 2021
Kangana Ranaut looks for her Twitter account.
?? #KanganaRanaut are didi ?— नितिन पूनियां (@nittu_poonia) May 4, 2021
Fans even said Hrithik Roshan would be so happy and thankful for Twitter CEO Jack
Hrithik going to meet Jack to thank him for supending
— Tweeting Quarantino (@rohitadhikari92) May 4, 2021