New Delhi: Aamir Khan’s brother, Faissal Khan has revealed that after their film Mela flopped, the reigning Bollywood superstar told him that he wasn’t a good actor and he should opt for something else. Faissal told it to a leading publication while recalling the conversation the two brothers had after Mela failed to become a hit. Mela, starring two brothers and Twinkle Khanna was released in the year 2000.
In an interview before the release of his movie Faactory, a question was asked from Faisal Khan whether Aamir offered to help him get jobs after Mela got flopped. To which, he said, ‘Aamir would be the best person to answer that question’.
Faissal on his you tube channel told Ronak Kotecha that, “Good, he didn’t help me. Today, with Faactory, I have realised my potential. Why should someone help you?”
By continuing this he said, “Aamir after Mela, he called me and said, ‘Faissal, you’re not a good actor, now Mela has also flopped, now what? Now, you should do something else in life’. He told me he doesn’t think I’m an actor.” When it was pointed out that there were many reasons why Mela flopped, Faissal said, “But I had to bear the brunt. Aamir and me had this personal conversation. I didn’t go into a discussion about why it flopped, he told me what he felt. He told me, ‘You’re not a good actor, you can’t act, so you better start doing something else, you should think what you want to do in life’. So that was his reasoning. When Aamir Khan feels I’m not a good actor and I can’t perform, then how do I ask him for work, ask him for help?”
Faissal however worked with Aamir’s production company. He also was involved in a legal matter with his family after he accused them of taking control of his life. He said in a recent interview that Aamir asked for his signatory rights, claiming that he was mentally unfit to take care of himself. But, according to Faissal, he was declared of sound mind after undergoing observation at a Mumbai hospital.