New Delhi: Actor Kangana Ranaut is all set to essay the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in an upcoming political drama. Kangana said the yet-untitled film is not a biopic and has also revealed that many prominent actors will be a part of the upcoming project.
“Yes, we are working on the project and the script is in final stages. It is not the biopic of Indira Gandhi, it is a grand period film, to be precise a political drama that will help my generation to understand (the) socio-political landscape of current India,” said Kangana, in a statement released by her office.
“Many prominent actors will be part of this film and of course I am looking forward to playing the most iconic leader that we have had in the history of Indian politics,” said the actress.
While announcing the film, the actress tweeted, “Happy to announce my dear friend Sai Kabir and I are collaborating on a political drama. Produced by Manikarnika Films. Written and Directed by Sai Kabir.” She added, “This is a photoshoot about iconic women I did in the beginning of my career, little did I know one day I will get to play the iconic leader on screen.”
This is a photoshoot about iconic women I did in the beginning of my career, little did I know one day I will get to play the iconic leader on screen.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) January 29, 2021
She was very beautiful, not pin up girl type beautiful, her face was like when all the swords are drawn just before the King’s command….- Khushwant Singh
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) January 29, 2021