New Delhi: In an astonishing climb on the entertainment charts, the talented actress Saloni Batra has surged from the 198th position to an impressive 26th on IMDb’s Popular Indian Celebrities List. The driving force behind this remarkable climb? Saloni’s captivating performance as a key character Reet in one of the biggest grossers of 2023 ‘Animal.’
Saloni Batra’s transformation into ‘Reet’ in ‘Animal’ has captivated audiences, fueling her remarkable rise in IMDb’s rankings. As crowds eagerly filled theatres for ‘Animal,’ Saloni’s portrayal of ‘Reet’ stood out, earning widespread acclaim and showcasing her versatility as a compelling actor. The site posted the list to their social media account with the caption:
“Here comes the latest edition of the Popular Indian Celebrities Feature with your weekly update of fan favourites, debutants and routine rockstars
Check out the full list on the IMDb app on iOS and Android
This list is powered by ‘Popular Indian Celebrities’: a weekly IMDb feature that showcases the Indian stars trending globally: actors, directors, cinematographers, writers, the list covers it all! And, as always, it’s determined by more than 200 million fans monthly from around the globe!”
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The surge in IMDb’s rankings is not just a proof of Saloni Batra’s growing popularity but also a reflection of the impact of her performance in ‘Animal.’ The film’s success, coupled with Saloni’s standout portrayal, solidifies her status as one of the industry’s leading talents. As ‘Animal’ continues to dominate the box office, Saloni Batra’s ascent from 198 to 26 is more than a numerical feat; it’s a celebration of her talent and the resonance of ‘Reet’ with audiences nationwide.