Image Courtesy: The Telegraph
New Delhi: A young woman Rashika Jain, married into an affluent family of Kolkata, allegedly died by suicide last month, leaving her family and all her near & dear ones in utter shock.
The 25-year-old woman apparently fell from the third floor terrace of her in-laws home in Alipore on February 26. She was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to injuries.
Rashika was a meritorious student, having won many academic accolades during her school years at Mahadevi Birla Girls Academy. She did her BBA from St Xavier’s College and then pursued further education in Singapore.
Ayesha suicide redux in Bengal
But, a terrible fate was awaiting this meritorious student, just a year after her marriage into an affluent family of Kolkata.
Being dubbed as Bengal’s Ayesha, Rashika Jain was ‘compelled to commit suicide’ due to daily torture and suffering inflicted on her by the in-laws, a leading daily Telegraph has reported.
According to the leading daily, Rashika Jain who got married to an industrialist in Alipore, an upscale locality of the city but was subjected to inhuman abuse and torture on routine basis. Dowry demand, physical assault was something that Rashika endured in hope of things getting better on its own but it never happened. One day, she chose to give away her life rather than bearing with the daily sufferings.
Days ago, 23-year-old Ayesha, a married woman from Gujarat committed suicide by jumping into the Sabarmati river. Having tortured by her husband and in-laws over dowry, she recorded a suicide video before killing self by jumping in the river.
Muslim Girl Ayesha Banu Makrani – Ayesha Arif Khan, records a video before suicide
by jumping into the river in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
After being separated estranged from her husband. Link :https://t.co/v9pt0sH1Hg pic.twitter.com/T7BrjcTDfF
— Revler (@CrescentDome) February 28, 2021
Lavish wedding at Umaid Bhawan, Jaipur in Feb 2020
Rashika Jain got married to industrialist Kushal Agarwal in an opulent ceremony in Jaipur on February 9, 2020. Rashika’s parents went beyond their means to make the marriage a memorable occasion as they were very happy with the alliance.
However, as it appears from their complaint to police, the Jains made these wedding arrangements under duress.
In the police complaint, the family has given details of the alleged demand to make arrangements for the “marriage at Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur, Sangeet Night at ITC Welcomhotel, Jodhpur and Tilak ceremony at Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur.”
Rashika dies after falling from roof in Feb 2021
Following Rashika’s death, her parents approached the police and sought action against her in-laws for alleged atrocities. However, they had to struggle hard to get the FIR registered as the police was unwilling to lodge complaint against ‘powerful family’.
Rashika’s father Mahendra Jain runs a logistics company while the Agarwals own multiple businesses, including a resort in Purulia and a cement manufacturing unit. When police started enquiry, they were told by Rashika’s in-laws that they were not in town and were at their other home in Purulia.
Jewellery worth Rs 7 crore given to Agarwals, claim father
Rashika’s parents have levelled serious charges against the Agarwal family. They told police that they had given jewellery and accessories worth Rs 7 crore to her daughter’s in-laws family, hoping that she will spend a content married life but never they thought that their daughter would be compelled to take such step.
In their complaint, they said that jewellery and accessories worth Rs 7 crore was was given to the Agarwals in parts – some during Roka ceremony, some during Ring ceremony and the rest at time of marriage.
Rashika’s father also wrote, “We all are in a tremendous mental shock and are not in a position to comprehend and narrate all the facts and
incidents in a nutshell right now. However, it is beyond any doubt that my daughter Rashika was compelled to commit suicide owing to inhuman torture meted out to her at her matrimonial home.”
Torture that Rashika went through at in-laws home
According to Telegraph, Rashika’s father submitted a 7-page complaint to police on February 25, where he has enumerated the torture that her daughter had go through and has demanded strict action against the Agarwals.
Jain claimed that “in August 2020, Kushal Agarwal hit his daughter on her face so hard that she could not see properly for 3 days and had to consult an ophthalmologist.
He also said that they thought highly of the Agarwal family owing to their societal stature but all their hopes were shattered when their daughter shared her pain and repeatedly told them about the torturous circumstances she was subjected to.
Rashika’s parents, when asked why they kept mum despite knowing about their daughter being tortured at her matrimonial home, they said “they were just hoping to get things back on track on their own.”
Based on their complaint, police have lodged an FIR against Kushal Agarwal and others and charged them several sections including abetment to suicide. If charges are proved, he could be handed over a maximum punishment of 10 years in jail.