New Delhi: A video has gone viral on social media, in which a Rajasthan MLA and her husband are seen sitting on dharna inside the police station. The reason behind – they wanted release of her nephew, who was caught for drunk driving. The duo kept on arguing with the police personnel saying that kids these days often drink and make mistakes.
The Congress MLA, Meena Kunwar, and her husband Umaid Singh sat on dharna at the police station in Jodhpur’s Shergarh after her nephew was nabbed by the police for drunk-driving.
The video shows argument between the duo and the police officers as they were demanding the release of his nephew.
They said that “all kids drink at times” and it is not such a big deal. “I had requested you to release him. I have it recorded on my phone,” said the MLA.
This is #Rajasthan‘s law & order situation under #Congress, Congress MLA Meena Kanwar from #Shergarh Constituency & her husband Umaid Singh gave open threats to Police Inspector just because he challaned her nephew in drink and drive case.#Jodhpur
— Motivism (@Motivism) October 19, 2021
The police, however, refused to release the accused on their demand. The MLA threatened that she and her husband would continue with the dharna at the police station. Her husband was often seen making several calls.
A police officer has been recording the whole video of the duo’s inappropriate behaviour which makes the MLA warn the officer. In the video, a police officer is seen saying them to show some “humanity” to which Umaid Singh responded with a no.
He even threatened the officer saying, “Only yesterday some of the officers from this station got suspended. Did you forget that?”
The car of the nephew was seized by the police which was later released from custody by MLA Meena Kunwar. The vehicle was released after the intervention by the DCP.
The incident took place on Sunday night, however, so far it has gone viral all over the internet.