Lord Ganesha’s birthday is celebrated for 10 days during the Hindu festival Ganesh Chaturthi, also called Vinayaka Chaturthi. This festival takes place on the Chaturthi Tithi of the Bhadrapada month, during the Shukla Paksha (August or September). From September 19th to the 28th, 2023, it will be commemorated with great gusto.
One of the largest festivals in India, Ganesh Chaturthi is notably well-attended throughout the state of Maharashtra and the surrounding areas.
1. Mumbai
Mumbai, the state capital of Maharashtra, has the largest Ganesh Chaturthi festivities in all of India. Homes and community pandals in Mumbai and its surroundings annually commission hundreds of Lord Ganesha idols, many of which include unique decorations. The Siddhivinayak Temple, Lalbaughcha Raja, Mumbaicha Raja, and Khetwadi Ganraj pandals are the most well-known places to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi.
2. Pune
The Peshwas, who worshipped Ganesha, popularised Ganesh worship in Pune. It’s Pune’s most delightful religious, cultural, and social celebration. The city’s top 5 Ganesh idols include Kasba Ganpati, Guruji Talim, Ganpati Tulsi Baug Ganpati, Tambdi Jogeshwari, and Kesariwada Ganpati. Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati is another famous Mandal.
3. Hyderabad
Beginning on Vinayaka Chavithi, Hyderabad’s Ganapathi Navaratri utsavams culminate with Ganesha idol immersion on Anantha Chaturdashi. More than 75,000 Ganesh pandals in Hyderabad. Ganesha idols are popular in Chaitanyapuri, Durgam Cheruvu, Kamalanagar Balapur, Khairatabad, New Nagole, and Old City (Gowlipura).
4. Delhi
Because of its multicultural population, Ganesh Chaturthi in Delhi provides a window into the many ethnic and traditional traditions observed in other areas of the nation. There are several temples dedicated to Vinayak across the region, and in some of them, you may see enormous statues of the deity or hear the thunderous boom of chants from the Vedas and Upanishads recited by the temples’ erudite priests.
5. Tamil Nadu
In Tamil Nadu, this celebration is called Vinayagar Chaturthi. The air is filled with the sound of traditional music, and brightly coloured decorations cover the temples. Flower garlands and other decorations are commonplace adornments for Ganpati statues.
6. Andhra Pradesh
Here, cultural performances and colourful processions characterise the festivities. The idols are typically carried through the streets on ornate platforms accompanied by music and dance.
7. Gujarat
Gujarat is most known for its Navratri celebrations, but Ganesh Chaturthi is also widely observed. New endeavours are only launched during the choghadiya muhurat, which is strictly adhered to.
8. Jaipur
Celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi are becoming more well-attended in Jaipur. There will be public processions and a spectacular display of decorations.
9. Kolkata
Even though Ganesh Chaturthi is not as widely celebrated in Kolkata as it is in other parts of India, the city nevertheless manages to decorate and celebrate the holiday beautifully, often incorporating elements of regional culture.
10. Goa
During the festival, Goans celebrate with traditional dances like the “Ganesh Vandana” and the “Ganesh Tal.” The Ganeshotsav festival that is celebrated here is an amalgamation of Goan tradition and spirituality.