Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi today (February 13, Sunday) responded to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s‘ sibling rivalry’ comment. She said that she can give her life for her brother, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi and so can he do for her.
She also asked where is the “infighting?.” Priyanka Gandhi Vadra further said that there is conflict in BJP, not in Congress. Yogi Ji, Modi Ji and Amit Shah might have a conflict of interest.
Well, this is not the first time that the Congress leader has stood strong by her brother, earlier too both the siblings have shown and expressed their support for each other.
#PunjabPolls: अपने भाई के लिए जान दे सकती हूं: Priyanka Gandhi Vadra
| @priyankagandhi |— Neha Singh (@NehaSingh1912) February 13, 2022
Last year (2021), Rahul Gandhi had shared a lovely post for his sister.
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