Indore (Madhya Pradesh) After coming in for criticism over his remarks that he doesn’t wear face masks in public, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Thursday expressed regret regarding his comments and assured that he will follow health norms in future.
“My statement over wearing a mask appears to be a violation of the law. It wasn’t in line with the sentiments of the Prime Minister. I accept my mistake and express regret and will wear a mask. I also appeal to everyone to wear masks and observe social distancing,” Mishra tweeted on Thursday.
On Wednesday while speaking to the media, the Minister had said that he never wore a mask for public programmes.
“I don’t wear a mask for any programme. What is wrong with that?” he said. When asked why he didn’t wear a mask, the Minister said, “I simply don’t wear it.”
#WATCH Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra says, “I don’t wear it” when asked why is he not wearing a mask at an event in Indore. (23.09.2020)
— ANI (@ANI) September 24, 2020
Reacting to Mishra’s comments, the MP Congress had tweeted, “The Madhya Pradesh’s Home Minister said, “I don’t wear a mask”. Modi ji, can the public also just make and break rules according to their wishes amid the pandemic?”