New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman opened the Day 3 of No-Confidence Motion debate in Lok Sabha on Thursday. A host of top leaders are said to address the House on the No-Trust vote, which include Jyotiraditya Scindia, Assaduddin Owaisi and more.
Listing out Modi government’s achievements, the Finance Minister spoke on a range of developmental projects undertaken in last 9 years.
# “So, India is in a rare position of being optimistic and positive about its future growth,” Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
# “In 2013, Morgan Stanley had included India in the list of five fragile economies of the world. India was declared a fragile economy. Today, the same Morgan Stanley upgraded India and gave it a higher rating”: Sitharaman in LS
# “In just 9 years, the economy rose and saw economic development due to the policies of our govt – despite COVID. Today, we are the fastest growing economy of the world”: Sitharaman
# “Words like ‘banega, milega’ are not in use anymore. What are the people using these days? ‘Ban gaye, mil gaye, aa gaye’. During UPA, people said ‘Bijli aayegi’, now people say ‘Bijli aa gayi’. They said ‘gas connection milega’, now ‘gas connection mil gaya’…They said airport ‘banega’, now airport ‘ban gaya’…,” says Sitharaman
# “Transformation comes through actual delivery, and not through spoken words. You show dreams to people. We make their dreams a reality. We believe in empowering all and appeasement of none,” says Sitharaman