New Delhi: Breaking the collision with the BJP-led NDA in Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced his resignation earlier in the day on August 9. In the evening, the RJD revealed on Twitter the oath-taking ceremony of the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister of state will be held on August 11. The ceremony will be at Rajbhavan in the afternoon at 2 PM.
As it is now confirmed that Nitish Kumar is ready to form the new government with RJD in Bihar. Let’s look at the brief timeline of how events unfolded today in the last 6 hours after the meeting of MLAs at Nitish Kumar’s residence.
Timeline of event from Bihar:
- At 11 am, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar called a meeting of JD(U) MPs and MLAs
- In the meeting, Nitish Kumar explained to the MLAs and MPs how the party alliance with the BJP weakened since 2020.
- So after the meeting at 11:15 AM, the BJP’s opposition party RJD also called a meeting of MLAs, parallel to the JD(U) meeting.
- At around 1 PM, Mahagathbandhan-led by RJD met at Lalu Prasad’s wife and former state Chief Minister Rabri Devi’s residence.
- It is reported that MLAs signed a letter of loyalty and support to Nitish Kumar.
- At 4 PM, Nitish Kumar met Governor Phagu Chauhan to tender his resignation as Bihar CM.
- After 45 minutes, Nitish Kumar arrived at Rabri Devi’s residence and met the Opposition leaders.
- At 5:20, Nitish Kumar was seen with the Leader of the Opposition Tejashwi Yadav, who met him with a letter of support for the JD(U) and other parties.
- It is the eighth time that Nitish Kumar staked a claim to form the new government.