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Apple Intelligence features to be delayed as long as 2025! Know more

According to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, the tech giants are planning to release the AI features part by part till late 2024 and early 2025.

New Delhi: This year’s WWDC conference was mostly based around the much-talked and hyped “Apple Intelligence” aka AI. The Cupertino-based tech company decided to plunge into the tide of the AI wave and invest in this technology race.

Subsequently, the company decided to incorporate Chat GPT from Open AI into its systems. The actual plan was to incorporate the AI features in the brand-new iOS 18 and go ahead with the launch of the new line of software updates as anticipated ahead of the WWDC.

However, according to insider reports, all the AI features might not be ready to be rolled out to the public by the time iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia are launched in the market. Furthermore, it is anticipated that some of the features might even take time till the middle of 2025 before they are available to the public.

When can customers enjoy the full benefits of iOS 18?

So far, according to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, the tech giants are planning to release the AI features part by part till late 2024 and early 2025. As a result of this, the first beta version released by Apple lacked a lot of AI features that the company had promised.

If the reports turn out to be true then not only the features will be delayed, but the new features will only be available in the preview. It means that the features will be rolled out for small pockets of users rather than the vast majority of users.

So far, the Mail app is the only notable app which is going to get updated later this year. Another feature named Swift Assist- a cloud-based AI program for Xcode will also be available only by the end of the year. According to Gurman this apparent delay in the release of its new updates is done to ensure that there is no added pressure on the company. Now, the question remains whether this slow-paced delivery system solves the company’s growing problems or not.