New Delhi: In the most development case, the Goa Police on Thursday took Sudhir Sangwan and Sukhwinder Wasi — BJP pioneer Sonali Phogat’s two partners — into guardianship for cross-examination. The activity from Goa Police comes following Sonali’s sibling evened out serious claims against her Dad. The Goa police have not affirmed the capture yet. Sonali Phogat Was Assaulted More than once Over Years, Extorted By Her Dad; More Significant Allegations Evened out By Her Sibling
Prior to the day, Sonali’s family recorded a grumbling with the Goa Police claiming that Sonali has been killed as a component of a scheme. In the protest, her sibling Rinku Dhaka said her sister didn’t pass on from cardiovascular failure. She was assaulted and killed, he affirmed. Sonali Phogat’s family Requests CBI Probe.
After the objection was documented, the Goa Police squeezed a charge of homicide against her two partners not long after a post-mortem examination was directed.
Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code has been added to the case connected with the demise of the 42-year-old pioneer, a senior police official.