New Delhi: Veteran Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty admitted in hospital after complaining of chest pain. He felt uneasy after returning from a shoot. He was immediately rushed to the hospital for treatment. The news of the actor’s ill health was shared by his son. He was also named as the one of the recipients of the Padma Bhushan Award. He expressed his happiness and said, “Sab ko thank you itna pyaar aur sammaan dene ke liye. Aur main iss award ko dedicate kar raha hoon mere saare fans ko, India aur world main. Jo bhi, jinhone bhi mujhe niswarth pyaar diya hai, mere well wishers ko, sab ke liye main yeh dedicate kar raha hoon. Thank you for giving me so much love and respect,” He has worked in many films like Disco Dancer, Prem Partigya and Pyar Jhukta nhi. He was also known for his dancing. His fans took to social media after knowing about his ill health and wished him speedy recovery.