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What is Cloud Seeding: Know about IIT Kanpur’s Successful technology (Video)

Cloud seeding refers to the process in which with the help of an aircraft some chemicals are released into the clouds stimulating them to form raindrops.

New Delhi: After years of research and efforts, IIT Kanpur got finally success in cloud seeding technology or artificial rain. IIT Kanpur is a renowned institute and after years of efforts now it is ready with its cloud seeding technology. Cloud seeding refers to the process in which with the help of an aircraft some chemicals are released into the clouds stimulating them to form raindrops. It is not an easy process, with the help of chemicals like silver iodide these artificial raindrops are made. Cloud seeding will only be helpful in dealing with drought but will also help in curbing air pollution. It took almost 6 years for IIT Kanpur to get success in this technology.