New Delhi: Anurag lives in Chhaprauli, a tiny hamlet in Uttar Pradesh’s Baghpat district. He now lives with his mother, Dr. Poonam Arya, and his wife, Vanika Singh. Vanika is a PCS officer, while his mother is a homeopathic doctor. Anurag’s father is also a doctor, however, his parents split after only two years of marriage. Anurag was just around 6 months old at the time. Anurag’s mother had moved him to her maternal house Chhaprauli after the divorce.
Mukhtar Ansari’s Sultanate was burned to the ground from 2019 to 2020, when IPS Anurag Arya while serving as SP in Mau, took stern action against Mukhtar Ansari’s gang. He shut down the illicit slaughterhouses in the district and prosecuted 26 members of Ansari’s group under the Gangster Act. He had also used a bulldozer to demolish Ansari’s special shooter Anuj Kanojia’s residence.