New Delhi: A Facebook post is circulating on social media with claim that Jio users can get their phone recharged with free coupon of Rs 349/-.
Such messages have floated on social media earlier also, drawing attention of many users. After crossing-checking with the requisite authorities and conducting an investigation, we got to know that this message is purely misleading.
Viral Claim
A Facebook user named Shubham shared a post on Facebook claiming, “Mukesh Ambani on becoming 6th most richest person in the world has announced free recharge of Rs 349/- for 3 months to 99,000 Reliance Jio users. Those who want to avail this offer can click the below link and get their phone recharged for free.”
Newsroompost investigated this viral claim, cross-checked it with different sources to ascertain whether any such offer is on cards. Mukesh Ambani is surely rising the charts in World’s richest list but has any such ‘gift voucher’ been offered to Jio users was doubtful.
In our investigation, we found this to be totally fake claim.
Digging further on Facebook as to know who was behind this fake news spread, we found Shubham details. On scanning his social details, we got to know that he lives in Delhi and usually uploads viral messages.