New Delhi: Ayman al-Zawahiri, the most wanted terrorist and Osama Bin Laden’s successor was knocked down by US forces in a special operation on Tuesday morning, as no blood-shedding or collateral damage was reported from the site. The pictures of his Kabul home, where he was eliminated, also showed no signs of blast or explosion.
This aroused enough curiosity about the tactical US weapon that eliminated one of the most wanted global terrorists, without any collateral damage or destruction. Reports suggest that he was killed by a missile inside his Kabul home.
Though Biden welcomed the elimination of Al Qaeda extremist, the US kept mum on the weapon that it used for his killing. Reports suggest that Hellfire R9X was the missile that the US used via drone to knock him down inside the house. The R9X missile is loaded with 6 razor-like blades and doesn’t explode or catches fire when it explodes. These missiles donot explode, rather they hit the target with precision & without much collateral damage.
Al-Zawahiri, who died in drone strike in Kabul, carried a $25 million bounty on his head and was one of the main conspirators of September 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.
What is the Hellfire R9X?
According to available information, the Hellfire missiles are air-to-ground, laser guided missiles with potential to destroy tanks. The Hellfire missiles have many variants, depending on its warhead. Hellfire R9X are the latest range of missiles that use pop-out sword blades to kill targets with minimal collateral damage. These are mostly used for precision targets and for neutralizing the extremists or hard-core radicals.
The Hellfire R9X missile was reportedly developed under Obama govt, for reducing civilian casualties. The R9X is also called Ninja bomb and weighs about 45 kg. The missile can be launched from helicopters, aircraft, drones and also Humvees, used by US forces for quick mobilization of troops.
Drone strikes got major traction during President Obama’s tenure. Though the drone policy received brickbats from rivals, the reduction in collateral damaged popularized this weapon.
Times when US used Hellfire R9X missiles
Hellfire R9X missiles also called flying Ginsu.
The R9X first surfaced in March 2017 when al-Qaeda leader Abu al-Khayr al-Masri was eliminated in a drone strike while travelling in a car in Syria.
US forces deployed this again for targeting an al-Qaida-linked trainer in Syria in 2020. The deadly weapon was also used in 2019.
Reports suggest that this was the same missile that was used to assassinate Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
India shows interest in US ‘silent killers’
India has also shown interest in securing the ‘silent killers’ of US weaponry. As India looks to modernize its forces, it is seeking to procure 30 US armed drones as part of $ 3 billion dollar for purchase but it is still on the talking table. Reports say there is a plan was to equip the army, navy and air force 10 such combat drones each.