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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (February 19)

Message of the Day – By Renooji

The great messengers, through divine messages, the prophets, the saints, the masters, the guides have all descended on Planet Earth to declare to mankind to walk the path of goodwill, harmony and friendship.

In our present life ; we have been born in the same realm . Divine grace pours down like monsoon rain, but if the cup of our heart is inverted due to our pain and tragedy , not a single drop will go into the receptacle of the inner heart. Straighten it and then you can be a worthy recipient of the golden nectar of the healing light. The sound of our spirit of healing, the silence of our heart (Anahata) overflowing with Divine Grace is the most beautiful sound of silence. Healing hugs of being reborn in the light. Love from the golden heart.

“I am truth, consciousness and bliss. I am connected to Divine Grace.“

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