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lang="en-US"> Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (February 22)
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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (February 22)

The next nine meditations are consolidating the psychic energy impulses in your spinal cord and invigorating them with a greater connection to the heart of healing.

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Message of the Day – By Renooji

Meditation -3

The next nine meditations are consolidating the psychic energy impulses in your spinal cord and invigorating them with a greater connection to the heart of healing. Stay in touch with your particular history of prosperity and build your new empire.

Connecting to your strong golden tree of excellence, as the energy of Heaven / Sky reaches your spinal cord, allow it to enter the earth circuit. In this way you are anchoring the spiritual Heaven energies into Mother Earth , thus becoming a conduit for the unity of spirit and matter. Enjoy the sensation of this togetherness and feel the connection creating a marriage of yourself with the healing light. Breathe, give thanks and affirm that your connection remains as you walk ahead in connection with the Supreme Universal Reality. In this moment your psychic portals along your spinal cord are open and you are receptive to your developing psychic abilities and your spiritual consciousness. Your goal is to develop your psychic sense to be in tune with psychic frontiers. Healing hugs of psychic surrender. Love from becoming one.

“ I declare that I will walk the path of goodwill , harmony and friendship and recognise the oneness of this Supreme Universal Reality unfolding.“