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Astrology 2021: Message of the day (May 28)

Healing hugs of great heart and  soul. Love from the heart of the heart.

Message of the Day – By Renooji




“I am the sky”.

( space)


There is no swifter, more powerful or spiritually moving a healing practice other than the acceptance of a Master. Living in the clarity of peace, discernment, merging with the healing wisdom we must always invoke the blessings of the healing Master. It is vital to put all our spiritual progress and strength together and stay connected to the heart of the healing practice. Stay connected to the Master and the light of healing,and see that at each moment the healing light shines upon the one , shining with the beauty, strength and presence of the light. Be completely alive in all moments and know that the whole universe shines with you. Healing hugs of great heart and  soul. Love from the heart of the heart.




Healed:”I am purification in healing “.