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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (April 18)

This leaves us feeling stronger and more positive and at the same time more humble and full of gratitude.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Filled with the light !

Gathering the light around us, as healers we know that we are protected and simultaneously protecting others. This leaves us feeling stronger and more positive and at the same time more humble and full of gratitude. Springing out of our consciousness are many thoughts that inspire us to do more for the world that we live in. Know that if all the healers on Planet Earth unite and collectively channel the universal life force, there could be a storm of love and light, engulfing, embracing, enlightening the human race and awakening the plant and animal kingdom to touch equally the hearts of one and all. So, stay in this realm of unified oneness and with a great spirit of love, continue your journey of healing. Healing hugs of collective karma. Love from the heart of all healers.

Spiritual beings : We are tolerant of all delay , as we know that the universe of healing light always responds well ; with respect and compassion.