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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (March 30)

This moment of oneness leaves us further inspired to continue the healing work, continue to remain in the light, continue to enjoy this journey and continue to inspire others to remain on the path.

Message of the Day – By Renooji 
Healing opportunity! 
Whatever thoughts arise and settle, know that you are being inspired to continue healing and loving life. Emotions and thoughts arise like waves in the oceans, the whole atmosphere here and there, all of life here and there is dipped in these oceans. Floating souls in the supra mental descent, affirming to stay united with the Light and the Grace emanating from these zones of radiance and glory. Today let’s connect to the reservoir of plenty, and pleasantly spread the light through your light body to all those who need it. This moment of oneness leaves us further inspired to continue the healing work, continue to remain in the light, continue to enjoy this journey and continue to inspire others to remain on the path. Healing hugs of Divine Inspiration. Love from the Ocean of Plenty. 
Experience being a source of great blessings and healing accomplishments.