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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (May 15)

We are healed and purified out of the darkness of what was not right and prepare ourselves to heal more diligently the journey ahead.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Guidance for spiritual strength!

There are many areas of effulgent light in our world but not many of us have the wisdom, the insight or the intuition to connect and receive the gifts . All healers stress on the power of the gift of forgiveness and this power is never more necessary or more deeply needed than when someone is being wronged or has done something terribly wrong. We are healed and purified out of the darkness of what was not right and prepare ourselves to heal more diligently the journey ahead. Rather than dwelling on the mistakes, we must instead skill fully and sensitively heal on to inspire others to live well . Stay in this transformation process of deep inspiration and heal on. Healing hugs of happiness and power . Love from the heart of happiness.

Spiritual belief: There are plenty of souls travelling through many universes that are always connected to the spiritual path and healing from the soul centre.