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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (August 25)

From the physical to the emotional and from the mental to the spiritual,the healing dissolves our shadows, enlightens our mind, and illuminates our hearts

Just healing!

Chakra- Temples
Colour – purple / Blue/ Yellow
Healing – Memory/ Cognition/ Recognition.

Our spiritual memory awakens us to grow, expand, evolve and heal at the deepest level of our soul memory. We open ourselves to the growth and strengthen our mind as we expand our connection with the healing realms here and there. Healing the self transforms us at every single layer of our soul and aura. From the physical to the emotional and from the mental to the spiritual,the healing dissolves our shadows, enlightens our mind, and illuminates our hearts. When the relationship with healing enlightens us further, we connect more deeply with our heart. As we connect to the memories of our heart self, we enter the temple where our soul lives, and we embody our spiritual destiny as we create new memories to live our life experiences in this life on earth. Treat yourself with spiritual light and live as you seat yourself in this temple to contemplate in contentment and ignite the flames of your deepest light. Healing on, stay with joy in your heart and work with the light of love. Healing hugs of the greatest life of happiness. Love from the past, present and future.

The intentions are right, the affirmations divine, the attraction the same, the magnetism growing and the healing action sublime. Just stay and heal to relax and invite auspicious contentment into your aura and your destiny.

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