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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (March 1)

Send out good thoughts with an intention to stay calm and centred in compassion and influence your own rhythm of karma and its consequences.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Power and Purpose!

The power of compassion and the purpose of healing come together to heal us of all our karmic blocks. In the world drowning with so much pain, suffering and injustice; we as humans  can feel that we have no platform, no purpose and no power to influence our human consciousness and life. The truth is that when the biggest problems appear, then the healer within rises to contribute and bring about positive change. Doing your healing daily will contribute in a large way to bring about a healing environment surrounding your life. Reading this message is also one way to contribute to the welfare of your environment and your family and your work space. Send out good thoughts with an intention to stay calm and centred in compassion and influence your own rhythm of karma and its consequences. Open your heart to the power of love and purposefully engage with your karma unfolding your highest destiny of goodness. Healing hugs of radiance. Love from the heart of compassion.

Reading this :
It heals my kundalini chakra!

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