Healing Enthusiasm!
Healing chakras.
Be the light Frontiers.
Allow Love to spread.
As the super conscious self ignites the light in the heart of the self, the lake in the
heart is covered with the golden light and the rising green mist engulfs our healing
and healed self. We begin to change our attitude towards the world that we live in.
Mentally a healer is always in the tunnel of great light and illumination. From the
knowledge based self we begin to move to the height of sharing this light
transmission and in the process leaving our world filled with love. The basic instinct
of the healed self is to walk towards the best possible destination and take the light
towards sharing and caring. This improves the karmic resonance for one and all in
our life. Continue to remain balanced and filled with the light. Healing hugs of
energetic light. Love from the personal sounds and dialogue from the universe.
The healing soul depends on the heart of an harmonic resonance that is an
individual sound that is our own personal signature coming down through lifetimes .
A composition that is personal by Divine design. Let’s dip into this reservoir of