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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (October 20)

The functioning of our body and our organs is enhanced and healed by Her Light.


Happy Navratri!


Healing Enthusiasm!

Healing chakras.

Be the light Frontiers.

Allow Love to spread.

Healing under Her Grace and Her Light and under Her guidance leaves us feeling majestic and energised. The functioning of our body and our organs is enhanced and healed by Her Light. This affects the entire vibrational frequencies of our body and our universe. Like a ripple effect, our world, our people, our relatives, our family and our friends begin to change. They begin to understand things differently, which in turn begin effecting their emotions and their mental body responses. This increases the experiences of happiness and joy coupled with bliss and gratitude. Together we all begin to change things and then we can speak the truth and change ourselves. Then we begin to connect to our own journey of life in a very personal and energetic way, leaving the fragrance of Her Light everywhere. Healing hugs of capable light. Love from the harmonic resonance of the universe.


The healing soul depends on the heart of an harmonic resonance that is an individual sound that is our own personal signature coming down through lifetimes. A composition that is personal by Divine design. Let’s dip into this reservoir of knowledge.