The Retreat Begins!
Meditations on the Self.
As we move ahead in our journey of healing, our ego might tell us that it is all a mistake. Maybe we are on the wrong road to life. Maybe we have asked for the wrong things in life, and we have misled ourselves into oblivion. We have to heal for the real signs to appear to give us true confirmation that we have realigned our path to the journey ahead. The universe is always sending us signs. We must listen as everything is important. Today, we are all moving in the right direction, reconnecting with our desires, centred, meditating and healing. Let’s ground and centre ourselves further, knowing that everything is in harmony and synchronicity. See your thoughts turning into reality. Let us transform our thoughts into things we want, and begin to live life anew. Healing hugs of new messages. Love from the universe of appreciation.
Higher Crown Chakra
- “I heal my darkest desires as part of me, so that I can manifest the real.”
- “My secret desires are revealed and healed.”
- “I heal the thoughts and impulses I dislike.”
As we awaken to the reality of our soul consciousness, the findings of the science fraternity bring us closer to the body and brain, conjoining with the healing to bulletproof ourselves and our lives from all future negative attacks. Just connect to your life in the now and live this day well.
For more Messages of the Day, visit https://www.renooji.com/message-of-the-day/