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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (October 31)

Message of the Day – By Renooji 31.10.2023 Healing Enthusiasm! Healing chakras. Be the light Frontiers. Allow Love to spread. It is a great moment when we find bliss in our life. Know that it unfolds through the crown chakra through the transference of the light cascading down. We must keep our feet firmly on …


Message of the Day – By Renooji
Healing Enthusiasm!
Healing chakras.
Be the light Frontiers.
Allow Love to spread.

It is a great moment when we find bliss in our life. Know that it unfolds through the
crown chakra through the transference of the light cascading down. We must keep
our feet firmly on the ground to find the balance and the bliss. To fully connect
ourselves to the Spiritual Source we must be willing to connect to our own individual
place upon Mother Earth. At the crown chakra we have the ability to remain, to
access, to stay connected to the higher energies and the higher self. We move
beyond physicality and material existence and then we can enhance our wholeness
and wellness and share it with others. In order to be whole we have to integrate the
lessons we have learnt and experienced. Wholeness is what we are aiming for. What
we already have within us. Integrate all the words, thoughts, actions and connect to
the vibrations consciously so that our inherent wisdom remains and we do not have
to go through the hard lessons again. Our soul journey is always shielded
energetically from all that is unhelpful or unnecessary for us during this human life.
We have freedom from the people but we are still connected to our memories, our
mission and our purpose. Stay and heal on. Healing hugs of great awakened light.
Love from the generosity coming in from the universe.
The healing soul depends on the heart of an harmonic resonance that is an
individual sound that is our own personal signature coming down through lifetimes .
A composition that is personal by Divine design. Let’s dip into this reservoir of