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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (August 19)

There will be a strong presence in the position you hold, but you are willing and inclined to change or assume a leadership role

Aura Guidance for 19.08.2023 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries


“Meditate and do yoga to keep the body and mind healthy. You are going through your journey with your family and this is important to you and your well-being. Expanding your marketing abilities and your mood will help you plan new strategies.”

2. Taurus


“There will be a strong presence in the position you hold, but you are willing and inclined to change or assume a leadership role. Authority and leadership positions inspire you to give your best. A friend of an acquaintance willingly helpful, is in a position of authority and is going to work with you today.”

3. Gemini


“Connecting the dots and seeing the whole picture about someone’s intentions could inspire you to be more vigilant and keep some new dimensional decisions confidential. Connect to your inner heart desires and find ways today to fulfil your destiny, one day at a time.”

4. Cancer


“Mentally you are very sure about your plans but it is the physical execution that has you troubled. Gaining sympathy and then people coming forward to help leaves you sad. If you need help ask for it. Don’t assume that others should read your mind and know that you could use their assistance.”

5. Leo


“Confronting someone for the work that was never their responsibility will leave you unhappy. You need to get on top of things and just get them done in peace and happiness. Financial investments will leave you feeling very happy with your decisions. Seldom do you get time off, meditate and laugh to restore your humour.”

6. Virgo


“Just when you think life is boring someone shows up to improve your mood. Gather your wit and some of you could even end up writing. Channelling the patterns oftener than was desired will put you in the spotlight with your destiny unfolding in your favour. Harnessing your finances means that you will be able to afford.”

7. Libra


“Your ability to deal with life situations is high, but you need to be very patient. Trust your inner voice more than you have ever before. Pay attention to your plans and dreams. Loving and looking upon life as a great learning opportunity which is bringing you to the golden fold of the light.”

8. Scorpio


“Continue your work with the associates, and your relationships with others will financially benefit you. Cunning ways of someone close to you is upsetting the apple cart. Manual ways of doing things work for some but people will be non supportive in your plan. Be safe and secure in your relationships with others.”

9. Sagittarius


“You have been quiet in the recent path and people will be rewarded with happiness rather than your family complaints. Just be there for the rest your week deserves. New opportunity will come up to help you with those that you want to connect. Follow simple routines to get through the day and know that this will leave you feeling free and blessed and happy.”

10. Capricorn


Be purposeful and decisive to achieve your destiny unfolding in your spiritual consciousness. Creative expressions and writing skills could end up making you into a writer. Allowing others to make all the decisions troubles an inner peace, and you could end up being reactive today.”

11. Aquarius


“Convert the financial and material aspects of your life and know that a financial deal could come to a happy conclusion. Know that you are being supported by your spiritual wisdom and strength flows to support others. Gather your troop and take charge of all that needs to be accomplished today.”

12. Pisces


“Your family is going to make you create a better regime for your general health and inspire you to take care of your health altogether. Circumstances at work are also getting better in your absence and in the efforts that you have put in the past. Continued explorations at getting the best out of the work pays rich dividends.”


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