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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (January 20)

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 20.01.2020 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

Apportioning blame may be the plan of someone very close to you, but you are smarter
than they think. Just keep your plans to yourself and move ahead with excellence. Life
is taking you ahead on a fascinating journey with people you live with and respect.

2. Taurus

You will find that place of satisfaction that you have been living and looking for since the
past few weeks. Yes, you are very good at heart but your heart desires other things
than what you need to do. Things are set to come your way soon. Something magical
will occur to make you feel loved and needed

3. Gemini

Detachment will keep you away from getting sucked into an emotionally charged
relationship with your family, where there is only confusion ahead. If you want to make
strong changes in your life ahead, it is best that you use the time today to write them

4. Cancer

Being honest and willing will attract a loved one’s attention and support that you badly
need. Deepening bonds in relationships are helping you develop respect for your
relationships with others. Just plan a family holiday and know that everyone else is
going ahead in planning to be there.

5. Leo

Trying to persuade many people to see things your way may be difficult, just persuade
the people who matter to see things your way. It is important to see and review your skill
set and move ahead with confidence and reinvent yourself today. Chant “OM” x 108
times to consolidate ways and your intentions.

6. Virgo

The way to lead a more interesting life is by opening yourself up-to different things and
entertainment. Changes in your life help you to change the mood and health. This
inspires you to be more relaxed as well. Enjoy the journey ahead with the work of
wellness and you will feel some happiness in your heart. Gather your family together as
it means a lot to you.

7. Libra

Harnessing your good fortune could be the general mood of the day. You can call your
family today to get them to work on the project of your finances. Examine your
intentions and make sure that people do not try their best to be your focus. Just be
yourself and you will be happy.

8. Scorpio

As the tempest of life awakens your love interests, make sure that your permanent
relationships don’t suffer. Continued excellence at work is also making you impulsive.
Just when you think about your relationships with others, especially when your family
togetherness is questioned, you become pensive and sad. Break out of this mould as
you could sink into depression.

9. Sagittarius

You are ready to help, you are empathetic, but people have so many problems around
you, but you have the gift to stay detached and still be caring. This is not always an
easy thing. The detachment allows you to not get emotionally attached and make some
wrong and hasty decisions. Loving is out for those messages from the universe that
keep you safe and protected.

10. Capricorn

Some friend will tell you that straining wealth is about good luck and has nothing to do
with hard work and perseverance. It needs to be ignored and you need to be diligent in
your approach. Don’t be surprised and emotionally manipulated into lending money to
an unreliable relative.

11. Aquarius

You will have courage to deal with all tricky situations. If you are in a discordant
relationship then there is a strong chance to end a long-term business relationship. You
will come to a decisive moment when you will be happy with the simple things of life.
Take care of your health and know that there are plenty of people who will inspire you to
be supportive towards your life experiences.

12. Pisces

You will be planning on safely putting away the money in a savings project or sending it
off to buying a property that develops over time. Life does not have to be dull and
dreary. To lead a more fulfilling life means to heal more relationships and reflect on your
spiritual journey ahead.

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