Aura Guidance for 21.10.2023 (all 12 signs)
1. Aries
“Goals and dreams are jointly designed for the future success of all concerned. Be realistic about your relationships. Make sure that there is a strong sense of harmony with everyone at work. Work and pleasure and love for your life experiences with your loved one is the main source of stress today.”
2. Taurus
“Emotional excitement, stimulation in your work and new dimensions of feeling alive and new will drive you to achieve today. You are not happy with the cultivation of new work by another and the aspect that you are not involved is of great importance for you to understand why.”
3. Gemini
“A sense of being overwhelmed by obstacles in the past leaves you checking everything twice. You have a strong need to share, give and receive love. You are in a very thoughtful mood today and you will have become more supportive of your family for sure. Be supportive to your family and continue to look out for the well-being and health of all.”
4. Cancer
“There is a financial situation that will help resolve your problems. Creative impulse and a good plan put you in the right place to make money. Happily progress ahead and know that tomorrow is going to be better. Embark on your next great chapter of life goals in the universe of wisdom.”
5. Leo
“If you want to successfully get your own work done, be very polite and gentle to others. You might want to step forward and chart your own plan and take an independent path. Legal and political issues could take up a huge part of your day. You are authentically looking at life and need the validation of your creativity.”
6. Virgo
“You are truly gifted in the arts and music and you need to explore this side of yourself more. Hardened karma is going to be healed as you are in the middle of a dynamic pattern of continuous progress towards success. Changes in your attitude are confirmed by people actually approaching you to make plans and spend time with you.”
7. Libra
“Someone in your life will persuade you to seek out happier times or change the patterns of work, as you are showing stress and unhappiness in your aura body. As you are confronting all your fears, there will be a pretty strong person who mighty try to usurp you, and your position but eventually you are a specially gifted people’s person .”
8. Scorpio
“You are going through a very strong heart chakra choice that you will have to make. You are receiving an invitation into your heart and mind to see what your experiences with others are willing and specially designing for your spiritual and material destiny.”
9. Sagittarius
“Courage and commitment will be needed to see the others view point, and then to move happily together. Adjusting the patterns of new beginnings are a greater opportunity for you to take your group plan forward. You may be dealing with a new energy and your enthusiasm levels are redirecting your efforts to get the best results .”
10. Capricorn
“Expect to have more places to go to, as your boss will give you more errands to run and more people to take care of and more financial resources to develop. You will be graced by the strongest possible link to create a new path of business that is startling for success.”
11. Aquarius
“As you pattern a new destiny, you are not reachable for the future success of the divine wisdom, so step back, take another look at your heart desires and stay to enjoy. You will be surely happy with the results of your experiences with your work. Create a new friendship with a neighbour who will inspire happiness and joy with and for you.”
12. Pisces
“You will get material comforts and also a relaxed kind of day. Kindness from others and a healing perspective with new communications being established will continue through the work that you are able to do. Introspection today will help you to create new friends at work that help you with your marketing.”