New Delhi: Pictures play a very important role in our life, nowadays almost every family has installed family pictures in their house. And every picture has its own meaning behind it.
Earlier when there were no pictures people used to put handmade sculptures in their homes. Putting happy pictures of the family member in the home brings happiness. As said every picture says hundreds of words similarly, vastu tips if followed correctly bring a positive impact but if ignored at the same can bring misfortune as well.
Vastu has laid some specific locations and placements which has hidden positive and negative messages behind them.
Following are the tips one should follow:
1. One should hang family pictures on the South-West wall, as this placement brings peace and harmony. It is advised never to place pictures in Southern or Eastern conditions of the house.
2. Pictures which represents mood swings, anger should be avoided
3. Never put pictures of your loved ones on the North East wall of your home.
4. Pictures which represents loneliness, anxiety and depresssion should never be placed on wall because it brings negative energy.
5. If water is the main element then place your pictures in North directions and if pictures represent fire always place it in South direction.
6.Abstarct which are confusing and meaningless should also be avoided because it brings anxiety and confusion.
7. Avoid displeasing images of animals and plants.
8. Placing pictures of fruit brings CHI energy i.e energy which gives you life.