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Y20 India event organized at University College London; students from 22 countries participate

Sidharth Yadav, the organizer of the program and founder of Young India Dialogue, said “We are taking the idea of ‘one world-one family-one future’ of India to the students.

New Delhi: A program of Y20 India was organized on Friday evening at the world famous University College London. The event was organized by a student group called Young India Dialogue in association with Y20 India. 2 representatives of Y20 UK, James Frater and Ritvik Singh, and Y20 India representative Falit Sijeria attended the event. The event is part of a two-day international Y20 India Young Minds Conference.

It may be noted that the Y20 India Young Minds Conference is being organized in London by the Young India Dialogue in association with the Indian National Students Association. The purpose of this program is to take India’s idea of Vasudev Kutumbakam to the world stage under India’s G20 Presidency.

Y 20 India event in London

On Friday, the participating students discussed on 5 topics in different focus groups, from which a report would later be prepared and presented in the Y20 meeting to be held in India. Participating students of Indian and foreign origin had an in-depth discussion on important topics for solving global problems.

Sidharth Yadav, the organizer of the program and founder of Young India Dialogue, said “We are taking the idea of ‘one world-one family-one future’ of India to the students. Organising consultation programs even outside India reflects the democratic values of India. 65 students from 22 countries participated in the event, which showed the global nature of the event and the power of India. Monday will be the second day of the conference in which prominent speakers from across the country and abroad will participate in the conference.

Y 20 India event in London

India’s representative for Y20, Falit Sijeria, said “Many kinds of programs are being organized in India regarding Y20 and this is the first program to be held outside India. It is our endeavor to get ideas from as many youth as possible so that there can be a good discussion about solutions on the international platform of Y20. It is a matter of pride for me that in the Presidency of India, I have been able to participate in an consultation program organised abroad.”