Popular Bhojpuri actress and dancer Trisha Kar Madhu was brutally trolled over social media after her intimate video with boyfriend went viral. In the video, the actress is seen spending private time with her partner.
After the video got leaked online, the actress took to social media to warn the persons responsible to made the video viral on the social media platforms.
Madhu wrote, “God is watching everything. In impulse to defame me, some people made this video go viral. I did not know that some people of Bihar have such low standards.”
However, she did not clarify about who had shot the video, who else had the access to it, or even the purpose for shooting the video.
खुदा सब देखता है,मुझे गिराने के लिए मेरी प्राइवेट वीडियो वायरल कर दिया।बिहार में इतने घटिया कुछ लोग भी होते हैं नहीं जानती थी।’ लोगों से अपील करती हुँ की अगर आप लोग मेरे समर्थक हैं तो कृपया वीडियो हटा दे, और इसे न उछालें। आपके घर में भी माँ बहन है #TrishaKarMadhu
— Trisha Kar Madhu Official (@TrishaKarMadhu) August 12, 2021
The actress was brutally trolled over social media for shooting an intimate video. While some users told her to file a formal complaint instead of justifying herself on social media.
See reactions here:
Well complain that to police and cyber cell and dont record such videos on phone when privacy is always a concern,I seriously hope you havent done this on purpose If not than move on girl thats the only way ,mms and porn never gets removed as millions of sites are there.#Bestrong
— Divyans (@divyanshsingh76) August 14, 2021
Guys #TrishaKarMadhu MMS Leaked maamle mai , kya Sirf Trishakar madhu ka galti hai ? Ya dono ki galti hai . Nation wants to know .
Let’s Debate . ?
— PRINCE ➐ (Cauliflower Farmer)? (@SaffronPrince_) August 14, 2021
First show me the video then I ll be able to give my opinion on it ?
— Raj ?? (@Mandylobher) August 14, 2021
Untill i watch i can not comment.
:Advind Kanjar Waale
— Aman ??? (@AmanPBUH) August 14, 2021