New Delhi: Aparna Balamurali is famed for her role in Soorarai Pottru and is loved immensely as an actress down South. Reportedly during a promotion event for the film Thangam at a college, a student went misbehaved with her. Netizens are furious at the lack of knowledge of one’s limits and how the other members of the cast did not react to this. There are others who believe that if the same action was repeated by a girl for a male star, she wouldn’t face the same condemnation.
A college student misbehaved with actress Aparna Balamurali during the promotion function of Thangam movie. @Vineeth_Sree I’m surprised about your silence ? What the hell #Thankam film crew doing there.
@Aparnabala2 #AparnaBalamurali— Mollywood Exclusive (@Mollywoodfilms) January 18, 2023
Though there are many videos of the event online, this particular video has gathered a lot more attention. The video shows Aparna on the dias alongside the other guests when a student comes over to offer her a flower. He then tries to get a picture clicked with her and pulls her from her seat and puts his hand on her back to click a picture. She is evidently uncomfortable by this and tries to slip away in humour to which the student pulls his hand away and gestures an apology and leaves the stage.
One should not cross their Limits, surprisingly none of the film personalities didn’t come to her rescue and condemn the incidence. Very unfortunate…
— sivakumar (@kssivakumar) January 19, 2023
Despite the actress keeping a smiling face, netizens were furious at the college authorities and the crew members for not reacting to this “inappropriate behaviour”. Some comments read that the social conventions in public weren’t observed and that there are repetitive cases of such behaviour in the country suggesting that education authorities should note this. Another said that one shouldn’t cross their limits and it’s surprising and unfortunate that no one came to her rescue or condemned the student.
That’s definitely a very bad behaviour frm a male fan towards a female actor.
But no one raises any question when a female fan give hugs, kisses to a male actor!!
If male actors start dodging themselves like female actors, frm female fans the message could easily conveyed to ppl— Abinash Satpathy (@abi_satpathy) January 19, 2023
While a large number of people came after the student, a lot came to his rescue too asking how a hand on the shoulder to take a phone is misbehaving. Further to prove their point they said that there are so many videos of female fans taking the liberty of actors and hugging them and that is considered cute and sweet. Another person said that this was no misbehaviour and that as soon as Aparna stepped aside he realized his mistake and backed off.