New Delhi: Tamil star Dhanush has teamed up with director Shekhar Kammula who has made movies like Happy Days and Love Story for his upcoming film. The film is tentatively titled D51 and the update for the film is, actress Rashmika Mandana has been on board for the film. The actress will be seen as the female lead along with Dhanush in the film.
Beginning of a new journey.💃🏻❤️#D51
A @sekharkammula film 🎥@dhanushkraja @AsianSuniel @puskurrammohan #AmigosCreations @SVCLLP
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) August 14, 2023
This is the first collaboration of Rashmika with Dhanush, Sekhar Kammula, and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP and is the 51st venture of Dhanush and filmmaker Sekhar Kammula, Dhanush who is known for his acting prowess and versatility proven his metal will be once again under the direction of Kammula to give a great cinematic experience to the audience. One of the most intriguing aspects of his upcoming film is Dhanush will be seen in a completely new avatar. Kammula has the ability to form an engaging character for its audience and also it will be a challenge for Dhanush to portray such a character.
As the project is gearing up, the filmmakers are in discussion with some prominent faces from the industry to cast them into their new venture. Meanwhile the names of the other cast and technical crew has not been revealed yet.
Actress Rashmika Mandana is also gearing up for her role in this significant poject along with her upcoming sequel of Puspa: The Rise. The much awaited Pushpa 2 has already went for the production and it is being speculation is being made that the film is going to be more enthralling and capitivating then the precedor.