New Delhi: It appears that all Ayan Mukerji’sastraverse followers will have to wait a couple of extra years. Today, the filmmaker shared an insight on the Brahmastra trilogy, announcing that ‘Part Two: Dev’ and ‘Part Three’ will be shot concurrently. The second film will hit theatres in December 2026, with the third following in December 2027.
“The Next Step,” Ayan Mukerji captioned his photo, which was accompanied by the following statement: “April 4th, 2023. Hello, the time has come for an update on the Brahmastra trilogy, the Astraverse, and my life. After absorbing all of the positive feedback and affection for Part One… I’ve been focusing on developing the vision for Parts Two and Three, which I now know will be bigger and more ambitious than Part One. I’ve discovered that we need a little more time to perfect the scripts for both parts…”.
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Ayan Mukerji went on to say, “I’ve opted to make the two films simultaneously, allowing them to be released closer together. I have a plan in place to accomplish this, which I am revealing to you today.”
Ayan Mukerji also mentioned in his lengthy statement that he is working on another project. He added, without going into any detail: “I also have some exciting news to share… The universe has given us a really remarkable opportunity to step into and direct a very special film. What the film is about…More on that when the time comes. A chance that both challenges and delights me… One in which I will learn, be inspired, and grow. So I’ve chosen to go for it.”
In the meantime, Bollywood trade expert Taran Adarsh reported in a tweet that Yash Raj Films has contracted Ayan Mukerji to direct War 2. Have a look at his tweet:
BIGGG DEVELOPMENT… AYAN MUKERJI TO DIRECT ‘WAR 2’ FOR YRF… HRITHIK ROSHAN CONFIRMED… #AdityaChopra signs #AyanMukerji to direct #War2… The 7th film in the #YRF Spy Universe, which will follow the events of #Tiger3.#HrithikRoshan will essay the principal lead role.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 4, 2023